Why we moved to a 4-day week

How and why our remote UX design agency moved to a 4-day workweek without a reduction in pay or benefits and without increasing rates.

Scott Perket

CEO - Founder

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Forge's New Brand

Forge Studio is excited to announce our new brand! We've been hard at work aligning on who we are, what we value, and the services we offer to our clients.

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Color for brand designers working with product teams

Why your brand colors aren't working in digital spaces and how to improve them.

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How to succeed as a full-time remote worker

Julia shares her tips for working from home, staying productive, and taking care of yourself.

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What it takes to create a design system

For the last few months, I have noticed more and more designers are talking about design systems and giving tips and tricks on how to do so.

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Why you need a design audit for your design system and how to conduct one

Conducting a design audit can be a great way to improve your website or product. Not only can it help you find and fix any user experience issues, but it can also strengthen your brand and give you a deeper understanding of it.

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What are the key steps to building a design system

Before you will start your journey of building a design system for your product, take a moment and think about the team that will help you to bring it to life.

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